Spoonleaf Forget-Me-Not
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Spoonleaf Forget-Me-Not
P Native Photo: Prashant Awale
Common name: Spoonleaf Forget-Me-Not
Botanical name: Eritrichium spathulatum    Family: Boraginaceae (Forget-me-not family)
Synonyms: Eritrichium canum var. spathulatum, Echinospermum spathulatum

Spoonleaf Forget-Me-Not is a perennial herb, 15-25 cm tall. Flowers are blue, bell-shaped-pinwheel-shaped; tube about as long as sepals; appendages papillate; limb about 7 mm wide; petals nearly round, 2-2.5 mm wide. Sepals are oblong to ovate, about 1.5 mm, velvet-hairy outside, nearly hairless inside. Flower-stalks are up to 6 mm, sparsely velvet-hairy. Flowers are borne at branch-ends, in several flowered clusters with branches 2-3 cm, bracteate. Stems are clustered, often prostrate, short branched above or not, sparsely short appressed velvet-hairy. Leaf-stalks of basal leaves are 1-2 cm; leaf blade spoon-shaped, 2-3 cm x 3-7 mm, below densely short appressed velvet-hairy, above hairless or hairy, base narrowed, tip blunt. Stem leaves are stalkless, spoon-shaped to inverted-lanceshaped. Spoonleaf Forget-Me-Not is found on hillside meadows, at altitudes of 3600-3700 m, from NE Pakistan to W Himalaya to Tibet. Flowering: June-August.

Identification credit: J.M. Garg, Miroslav Dvorsky Photographed near Hemis Monastary, Ladakh.

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